Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Accesspress_Root_Welcome::$actions_req is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w00e4b9f/praktijk/wp-content/themes/accesspress-root/inc/welcome/welcome.php on line 28

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w00e4b9f/praktijk/wp-content/themes/accesspress-root/inc/welcome/welcome.php:28) in /www/htdocs/w00e4b9f/praktijk/wp-content/plugins/appointment-booking-calendar/js/fbuilder-loader-public.php on line 1
fbuilderjQuery = (typeof fbuilderjQuery != 'undefined' ) ? fbuilderjQuery : jQuery; fbuilderjQuery(function(){ (function($) { // Namespace of fbuilder $.fbuilder = $.fbuilder || {}; $.fbuilder[ 'objName' ] = 'fbuilderjQuery'; $.fbuilder[ 'controls' ] = ( typeof $.fbuilder[ 'controls' ] != 'undefined' ) ? $.fbuilder[ 'controls' ]: {}; $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ] = ( typeof $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ] != 'undefined' ) ? $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ]: {}; $.fbuilder[ 'htmlEncode' ] = function(value) { value = $('
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':'')+(this.description!=''?''+this.description+'':'')+''; }, after_show:function( id ){ $( '#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform'+id ).attr( 'data-evalequations', this.evalequations ).attr( 'autocomplete', ( ( this.autocomplete ) ? 'on' : 'off' ) ); } }); //var theForm = new fform(), var theForm, ffunct = { getItem: function( name ) { for( var i in items ) { if( items[ i ].name == name ) { return items[ i ]; } } return false; }, getItems: function() { return items; }, loadData:function(f) { var d, e = $("#"+f); this.formId = e.parents( 'form' ).attr( 'id' ); if ( d = $.parseJSON( e.val() )) { if (d.length==2) { items = []; for (var i=0;i
'; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcurrency' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcurrency' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Currency", ftype:"fcurrency", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"small", readonly:false, currencyText:"USD", thousandSeparator:",", centSeparator:".", min:"", max:"", formatDynamically:false, getFormattedValue:function( value ) { this.centSeparator = $.trim(this.centSeparator); if( /^\s*$/.test( this.centSeparator ) ) { this.centSeparator = '.'; } var v = $.trim( value ); v = v.replace( new RegExp( $.fbuilder[ 'escape_symbol' ](this.currencySymbol), 'g' ), '' ) .replace( new RegExp( $.fbuilder[ 'escape_symbol' ](this.currencyText), 'g' ), '' ); v = $.fbuilder.parseVal( v, this.thousandSeparator, this.centSeparator ); if( !isNaN( v ) ) { v = v.toString(); var parts = v.toString().split("."), counter = 0, str = ''; if( !/^\s*$/.test( this.thousandSeparator ) ) { for( var i = parts[0].length-1; i >= 0; i--){ counter++; str = parts[0][i] + str; if( counter%3 == 0 && i != 0 ) str = this.thousandSeparator + str; } parts[0] = str; } if( typeof parts[ 1 ] != 'undefined' && parts[ 1 ].length == 1 ) { parts[ 1 ] += '0'; } if( /^\s*$/.test( this.centSeparator ) ) { this.centSeparator = '.'; } return this.currencySymbol+parts.join( this.centSeparator )+this.currencyText; } else { return value; } }, show:function() { if( this.formatDynamically ) { var me = this; $( document ).on( 'change', '[name="' + + '"]', function(){ this.value = me.getFormattedValue( this.value ); } ); } return '
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'; }, val:function() { var e = $( '[id="' + + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e.val() ); return ''; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdate' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fdate' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Date", ftype:"fdate", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, size:"medium", required:false, dformat:"mm/dd/yyyy", tformat:"24", showDropdown:false, dropdownRange:"-10:+10", minDate:"", maxDate:"", invalidDates:"", minHour:0, maxHour:23, minMinute:0, maxMinute:59, stepHour: 1, stepMinute: 1, showTimepicker: false, defaultDate:"", defaultTime:"", working_dates:[true,true,true,true,true,true,true], formats:new Array("mm/dd/yyyy","dd/mm/yyyy"), init:function() { function checkValue( v, min, max ) { v = parseInt( v ); if( isNaN( v ) ) v = max; else if( v < min ) v = min; else if( v > max ) v = max; return v; } this.minHour = checkValue( this.minHour, 0, 23 ); this.maxHour = checkValue( this.maxHour, 0, 23 ); this.minMinute = checkValue( this.minMinute, 0, 59 ); this.maxMinute = checkValue( this.maxMinute, 0, 59 ); this.stepHour = checkValue( this.stepHour, 1, Math.max( 1, this.maxHour - this.minHour ) ); this.stepMinute = checkValue( this.stepMinute, 1, Math.max( 1, this.maxMinute - this.minMinute ) ); this.invalidDates = this.invalidDates.replace( /\s+/g, '' ); if( !/^\s*$/.test( this.invalidDates ) ) { var dateRegExp = new RegExp( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/ ), counter = 0, dates = this.invalidDates.split( ',' ); this.invalidDates = []; for( var i = 0, h = dates.length; i < h; i++ ) { var range = dates[ i ].split( '-' ); if( range.length == 2 && range[0].match( dateRegExp ) != null && range[1].match( dateRegExp ) != null ) { var fromD = new Date( range[ 0 ] ), toD = new Date( range[ 1 ] ); while( fromD <= toD ) { this.invalidDates[ counter ] = fromD; var tmp = new Date( fromD.valueOf() ); tmp.setDate( tmp.getDate() + 1 ); fromD = tmp; counter++; } } else { for( var j = 0, k = range.length; j < k; j++ ) { if( range[ j ].match( dateRegExp ) != null ) { this.invalidDates[ counter ] = new Date( range[ j ] ); counter++; } } } } } }, get_hours:function() { var str = '', i = 0, h, from = ( this.tformat == 12 ) ? 1 : this.minHour, to = ( this.tformat == 12 ) ? 12 : this.maxHour; while( ( h = from + this.stepHour * i ) <= to ) { if( h < 10 ) h = '0'+''+h; str += ''; i++; } return ':'; }, get_minutes:function() { var str = '', i = 0, m; while( ( m = this.minMinute + this.stepMinute * i ) <= this.maxMinute ) { if( m < 10 ) { m = '0'+''+m; } str += ''; i++; } return ''; }, get_ampm:function() { var str = ''; if( this.tformat == 12 ) { return ''; } return str; }, set_date_time:function() { var str = $( '#''_date' ).val(); if( this.showTimepicker ) { var h = $( '#''_hours' ).val(); str += ' '+( ( this.tformat == 12 && $( '#''_ampm' ).val() == 'pm' ) ? ( h*1 + 12 ) % 24 : h )+':'+$( '#''_minutes' ).val(); } $( '#' ).val( str ).change(); }, show:function() { var attr = 'value'; if( this.predefinedClick ) { attr = 'placeholder'; } return '
'+( ( this.showTimepicker ) ? ' '+this.get_hours()+this.get_minutes()+' '+this.get_ampm() : '' )+''+this.userhelp+'
'; }, setDefaultDate : function() { var me = this, p = { dateFormat: me.dformat.replace(/yyyy/g,"yy"), minDate: me.minDate, maxDate: me.maxDate }, dp = $( "#""_date" ), dd = (me.defaultDate != "") ? me.defaultDate : ( ( me.predefined != "" ) ? me.predefined : new Date() ); function(){ $(document).click(); $(this).focus(); } ); if (me.showDropdown ) { if( me.dropdownRange.indexOf( ':' ) == -1 ) me.dropdownRange = '-10:+10'; p = $.extend(p,{changeMonth: true,changeYear: true,yearRange: me.dropdownRange}); } p = $.extend(p, { beforeShowDay: ( function ( w, i ) { return function( d ){ return me.validateDate( d, w, i ); }; } )( me.working_dates, me.invalidDates ) } ); dp.datepicker(p); if( !me.predefinedClick ) dp.datepicker( "setDate", dd); if( !me.validateDate( dp.datepicker( "getDate"), me.working_dates, me.invalidDates)[ 0 ] ) { dp.datepicker( "setDate", ''); } }, setDefaultTime : function() { function setValue( f, v, m ) { v = Math.min( v*1, m*1 ); v = ( v < 10 ) ? 0+''+v : v; $( '#' + f + ' [value="' + v + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', true ); }; if( this.showTimepicker ) { var parts, time = {}, tmp = 0; if( ( parts = /(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})/g.exec( this.defaultTime ) ) != null ) { time[ 'hour' ] = parts[ 1 ]; time[ 'minute' ] = parts[ 2 ]; } else { var d = new Date(); time[ 'hour' ] = d.getHours(); time[ 'minute' ] = d.getMinutes(); } setValue('_hours', ( this.tformat == 12 ) ? ( ( time[ 'hour' ] > 12 ) ? time[ 'hour' ] - 12 : ( ( time[ 'hour' ] == 0 ) ? 12 : time[ 'hour' ] ) ) : time[ 'hour' ], ( this.tformat == 12 ) ? 12 : this.maxHour ); setValue('_minutes', time[ 'minute' ], this.maxMinute ); $( '#''_ampm'+' [value="' + ( ( time[ 'hour' ] < 12 ) ? 'am' : 'pm' ) + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', true ); } }, setEvents : function() { var me = this; $( document ).on( 'change', '#''_date', function(){ me.set_date_time(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#''_hours', function(){ me.set_date_time(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#''_minutes', function(){ me.set_date_time(); } ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#''_ampm', function(){ me.set_date_time(); } ); $( '#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform'+me.form_identifier ).bind( 'reset', function(){ setTimeout( function(){ me.setDefaultDate(); me.setDefaultTime(); me.set_date_time(); }, 500 ); } ); }, validateDate: function( d, w, i ) { try{ if( d === null ) return [false,""]; if ( !w[ d.getDay()]) return [false,""]; if( i !== null ) { for( var j = 0, h = i.length; j < h; j++ ) { if( d.getDate() == i[ j ].getDate() && d.getMonth() == i[ j ].getMonth() && d.getFullYear() == i[ j ].getFullYear() ) return [false,""]; } } } catch( _err ){} return [true,""]; }, validateTime : function( e, i ) { if( i.showTimepicker ) { var base = '_date', '' ), h = $('#'+base+'_hours').val(), m = $('#'+base+'_minutes').val(); if( i.tformat == 12 ) { if( $('#'+base+'_ampm').val() == 'pm' && h != 12 ) h = h*1 + 12; if( $('#'+base+'_ampm').val() == 'am' && h == 12 ) h = 0; } if( h < i.minHour || h > i.maxHour ) return false; } return true; }, after_show:function() { var me = this; me.setEvents(); me.setDefaultDate(); me.setDefaultTime(); $( '#''_date' ).change(); var validator = function( v, e ) { try { var p = '_date', '' ).split( '_' ), _index = ( p.length > 1 ) ? '_'+p[ 1 ] : '', item = ( typeof $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ] != 'undefined' && typeof $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ _index ] != 'undefined' ) ? $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ _index ].getItem( p[ 0 ]+'_'+p[ 1 ] ) : null, inst = $.datepicker._getInst( e ), minDate = $.datepicker._determineDate( inst, $.datepicker._get( inst, 'minDate'), null), maxDate = $.datepicker._determineDate(inst, $.datepicker._get(inst, 'maxDate'), null), dateFormat = $.datepicker._get(inst, 'dateFormat'), date = $.datepicker.parseDate(dateFormat, v, $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst)); if( item != null ) { return this.optional( e ) || ( ( minDate == null || date >= minDate ) && ( maxDate == null || date <= maxDate ) && me.validateDate( $( e ).datepicker( 'getDate' ), item.working_dates, item.invalidDates )[ 0 ] && me.validateTime( e, item ) ); } return true; } catch( er ) { return false; } }; $.validator.addMethod("dateddmmyyyy", validator ); $.validator.addMethod("datemmddyyyy", validator ); }, val:function() { var e = $( '[id="' + + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) { var v = $.trim( e.val() ), d = /(\d{1,2})[\/\-\.](\d{1,2})[\/\-\.](\d{4})(\s(\d{1,2})[:\.](\d{1,2}))?/.exec( v ), h = 0, m = 0; if( d ) { if( typeof d[ 5 ] != 'undefined' ) h = d[ 5 ]; if( typeof d[ 6 ] != 'undefined' ) m = d[ 6 ]; var date = ( this.dformat == 'mm/dd/yyyy' ) ? new Date( d[ 3 ], ( d[ 1 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 2 ], h, m, 0, 0 ) : new Date( d[ 3 ], ( d[ 2 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 1 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); if( this.showTimepicker ) { return date.valueOf() / 86400000; } else { return Math.ceil( date.valueOf() / 86400000 ); } } } return 0; }, setVal:function( v ) { try { $( '[name="''"]' ).val( v ); if( v.length ) { v = v.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ).split( ' ' ); this.defaultDate = v[ 0 ]; this.setDefaultDate(); if( v.length == 2 ) { this.defaultTime = v[ 1 ]; this.setDefaultTime(); } } }catch( err ){} } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ftextarea", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", rows:4, show:function() { return '
'; }, val:function() { var e = $( '[id="' + + '"]:not(.ignore)' ), v = ''; if( e.length ) { v = e.val(); } return v; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Check All That Apply", ftype:"fcheck", layout:"one_column", required:false, showDep:false, show:function() { this.choicesVal = ((typeof(this.choicesVal) != "undefined" && this.choicesVal !== null)?this.choicesVal:this.choices.slice(0)); var str = ""; if (!(typeof(this.choicesDep) != "undefined" && this.choicesDep !== null)) { this.choicesDep = new Array(); for (var i=0;i'; } return '
'; }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide ) { var item = $( '#''.depItem' ), form_identifier = this.form_identifier; try { if( item.length ) { var parent = item.closest( '.fields' ); parent.find( '.field' ).each( function() { var item = $( this ); if( item.attr( 'dep' ) && item.attr( 'dep' ) != '' ) { var d = item.attr( 'dep' ).split( ',' ); for ( i=0; i'; } return '
'; }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide ) { var item = $( '#''.depItem' ), form_identifier = this.form_identifier; try { if( item.length ) { var parent = item.closest( '.fields' ); parent.find( '.field' ).each( function() { var item = $( this ); if( item.attr( 'dep' ) && item.attr( 'dep' ) != '' ) { var d = item.attr( 'dep' ).split( ',' ); for ( i=0; i'+l[i]+''; } return '
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'; }, after_show:function() { $.validator.addMethod("upload_size", function(value, element,params) { return this.optional(element) || (element.files[0].size/1024 < params); }); } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpassword' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpassword' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"fpassword", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", equalTo:"", show:function() { return '
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